The Pastor’s Desk

Introduction of the New Pastor!

by | May 26, 2022 | The Pastor's Desk

Jane and I are humbled, thrilled and excited to be named as your new pastoral family. You are not new to us, as we have been privileged to worship with you for almost a year now since our move to Gainesboro last July. That makes it doubly exciting to look forward to serving you and sharing God’s love!

You have been in the good hands of Tim and Staci for the past six years and we have all been blessed by their ministry. We thank them and wish them Godspeed in their new appointment, and know that Hartsville’s church and community will be blessed as well.

Now, for those of you who want the “real scoop” on your new pastor, here’s more than you probably ever wanted to know…

Dr. Joseph C. Beavon is a native of Bellaire, Ohio. He holds degrees from Union College in Kentucky, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and Slidell Baptist Seminary in Louisiana. He is a retired member of the West Ohio Conference and has served churches throughout Ohio.

His other ministries have included ministry to maximum security delinquent girls for the state of  Ohio; Director of Communications and Community Relations for Lutheran Social Services of the Miami Valley (Dayton, Ohio); Executive Director of the American Lung Association of the Miami Valley (Dayton, Ohio); Director of Development for the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra; Director of Development for the Baton Rouge Symphony; Director of Development for Historic Rugby (Rugby, TN); and high school mentor in Barbourville, Kentucky with the AmeriCorps program.  Joe has also taught courses at Youngstown State University, the University of Dayton, Kaplan College and Brightwood College.

He is a member of the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels; former president of the Religious Public Relations Council of the Miami Valley (Dayton, OH) and a former member of the United Methodist Association of Communicators where he has received more than two dozen awards for writing, editing and photography.

Joe and his wife Jane have five children, six grandchildren, a perfect one year old great granddaughter, one cat and three dogs. Joe and Jane and the four critters live happily ever after in Gainesboro, Tennessee, and thank God every day for placing us here!